Wednesday, November 27, 2013

No Yelling Challenge Day 7

So I made it an entire week!!!  I still can't believe it!  As I was sitting down to write this post, I kept thinking to myself "Surely there was one time I have yelled and I've forgotten" Nope!!  I have wracked my brain and can't think of a single time.  I must admit, once I got through those first couple of days it has been pretty easy after that.  But I have made it!  The weekend was a challenge, I suspect it will be for a while.  Having my daughter and husband home with me is a bit of added stress, but I have learned to tell my husband "I need a minute" and then I take it!  I still haven't told him about the challenge, although I'm sure he has seen me post the links to these blog posts to my facebook page, he hasn't mentioned it.  He is like that, he knows all kinds of things and has this uncanny ability to keep them to himself and never bring it up, kinda creepy actually!  I would think his head would explode with that kind of knowledge.
We were out of school for Thanksgiving break this week so I have been home with my little love all week.  Monday I had six dozen dinner rolls and a loaf of bread to make plus I had invited a couple of girlfriends over to drink coffee and let the kids watch Christmas movies while we had some girl time.  I was trying a bit too hard to multi-task and the next thing I knew a bowl full of my bread dough was laying in my kitchen floor!  My precious friends immediately started chanting "Five Second RULE!!!" and I quickly retreived it and put it back in the bowl.  (Don't judge me, I had just mopped the floor AND you know you would have done the same thing!  Plus that was the batch I kept for home, I didn't sell it)  But the real moral to the story is that I didn't yell... I made up some words and growled a bit, but I didn't yell!
The real test, I suppose will be the rest of this week.  My husband informed me that he will be off work for the next 5 days, we have Thanksgiving to get through with my family on Thursday then his family on Friday, then our yearly tradition of going to cut down a Christmas tree on Saturday.  But even as I sit here and type I'm thinking to myself, these are supposed to be festive times, fun times, family memories.  Why would yelling even need to be entered into the equation?  This year I vow it won't be.
I have adopted a new catch phrase.... "I'm NOT going to yell" (all caps for emphasis, not yelling).  I say it several times a day, I say it to myself, I say it to my daughter, I say it to my husband, I say it to the dog... Monday, I said it to my bread dough that I had just slung into the floor!  I say it all the time!  It is amazing how much that has helped!  It reminds me that there is a goal in mind.  And with a week under my belt I sincerely feel like I can do this!!  There may be a setback still to come, but I feel like I have an actual chance at success and that makes me want to Yell for Joy!!! :)

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