Ok, so that is not a title that will be bestowed upon me any time soon! I was giving my 3 year old a bath... and when I say "I was giving" her a bath what I mean is that I had run her bath water, thrown all her toys in the water with her and had stepped into the kitchen to start dinner. Now before you go calling Child Protective Services bear in mind that my bathroom is within eyesight of my stove so she was in sight the entire time. Now that we are done with the legalities.... Brooke says to me that she has to go potty so being the responsible mother that I am I tell her to get out of the bathtub, be sure to step on the bathmat so as not to fall, and go to the bathroom. So she does and about 3 seconds later I hear the most horrific scream you can imagine. I run the 4 steps it takes to get into the bathroom and gasp at the sight. My sweet Brooke is sitting on the toilet with her knees bent up into her chest and her bottom is sunken into the toilet (I feel sure it was actually in the water.
Let that sink in for a minute, feet are level with her head, holding on to the side of the toilet for dear life, wet bottom. Yes my initial reaction was "What in the world have you done?" I thought this was going to be an easy fix. I thought I would simply take hold of her hands and lift her out of the toilet have a quick chuckle and return to my Hamburger Helper. Um, no that did not happen AT ALL! I tried that approach and she only sunk deeper into the toilet. It was about that time I realized that although I was sure this would make for a hysterical story later, this was actually not the least bit funny. I took hold of her around the chest under her arms and again tried to free her from her porcelain prison and again no luck. I began to panic. I pulled and tugged but it seemed that every time I moved her she just sunk deeper and deeper into the toilet. For a split second I actually contemplated calling 911. All I could see in my minds eye was the jaws of life and a chainsaw coming at my precious little girl who was scared out of her mind. So with renewed determination I again tried to lift her out, again, failure. I then did what I should have done in the first place. I let go of her and simply said "God, I can't do this, you are going to have to do it for me" and with that I told Brooke to hold on to my neck and don't let go no matter what. She looked at me through her tear filled eyes and said in her quivering 3 year old lispy voice "I won't wet doe Mamma" so she grabbed hold of my neck with the grip of a grown man and I put my arm under what was still visible of her legs and squeezed her legs towards her chest as hard as I could and finally.... freedom.
I then inspected the damage, she was pretty bruised up on the back of both of her legs and on her back from where she was wedged in the toilet seat. But other than that and some left over tears, she was fine. She just kept saying, "That really hurt Mamma" :( Poor baby.
At this time she had only been going to the potty consistently for about a week so I just knew that this traumatic event would send us strait back to diaperville. This time I learned my lesson. I immediately prayed, "Lord, please work your magic with this memory in her little mind and do not let this affect her potty training progress"
Well I'm happy to report that we have not taken even one small step backward with her potty training and we even sold the last of her pull ups in a garage sale a couple weekends ago!
So the moral to the story is what? PRAY!! So many times God seems to be our last resort as opposed to our first resource. Why is that, we are really stupid sometimes! I mean we have the creator of the universe at our disposal, and yet we want to rely on our own strength and wisdom to solve our problems. I mean seriously?
Well I propose to you that if I can pray for God to help release my 3 year old from the grips of the toilet and He answers immediately.... He can surely help you too!
Be Blessed Friends
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