Last night was a bit hairy around here in Eastern Texas. We had several storm cells that were dubbed "super cells" by our trusted local weatherman. The storms were predicted to get so bad that the Discovery Channels "Storm Chasers" were in town chasing down our storms! Talk about scary!
Our family hunkered down in the living room and watched the weather for 5 streight hours and never got the least bit board! As soon as one storm would pass us over there would be another form and head our way. I know for a fact that several people were praying for saftey for our family (among many other families) and it was absolutely amazing to sit and watch on the radar as the tornados would form to the north, south, east and west of us and always be traveling in the opposite direction from us. Now I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure that can be categorized as an answered prayer!
I have no problem witnessing to people and tell people all the time that God answers prayers, but when you see a prayer answered that specifically and that blatantly, even a seasoned Christian like me stands in awe of our amazing God. Not that what happened here on this feeble earth is the least bit amazing in heaven. I like to think of God sitting in heaven and simply pointing His finger and saying ok Mr. Tornado you need to go that way. Pretty cool!
Thank God you made it through!